HomeBlogChinese Zoo Defends Sun Bear Video Amidst Controversy

Chinese Zoo Defends Sun Bear Video Amidst Controversy

The internet was set ablaze with controversy recently when a Sun Bear video depicting it standing on its hind legs was shared on social media. 

The video sparked accusations that the animals in question might not be real bears at all but rather humans dressed in bear costumes. 

The zoo in charge of the bears, Hangzhou Zoo in eastern China, has since released statements defending the authenticity of the animals. 

Let’s takes a closer look at the situation surrounding the sun bear video, discussing sun bears, the controversy, and the zoo’s response.

Mục lục

What are sun bears?

Sun bears, also known as Malayan bears, are the smallest bears globally, reaching heights of 1.3 meters when standing on their hind legs.

They sport a sleek black coat and are distinguished by their lengthy, curved claws, designed for tree climbing.

Indigenous to Southeast Asia, particularly the tropical forests of Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, sun bears are classified as vulnerable due to habitat destruction and poaching.

The Controversy surrounding sun bear video

The sun bear video sparked controversy as it went viral on social media. 

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The footage featured one of the bears standing on its hind legs, which led many to observe the bear’s slender legs and fur folds, giving it an uncanny resemblance to a human in a bear costume. 

Allegations arose, suggesting that the video was staged and that the zoo attempted to deceive visitors by using people in costumes rather than real bears.

Hangzhou Zoo’s response

Hangzhou Zoo took swift action to address the accusations made against them.

In a statement released on Sunday, the zoo explained that sun bears, unlike other bear species, are smaller and can stand up to 1.3 meters on their hind legs.

The zoo clarified that the bear’s behavior of standing on its hind legs is natural and not a form of deception. Sun bears often do this to search for food or survey their surroundings.

In a recorded message shared on WeChat, a zoo spokesperson emphasized that the bears at Hangzhou Zoo are genuine animals, and there is no deceit involved.

The spokesperson assured that the animals are well cared for, and the zoo is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all its residents.

The zoo extended an invitation to reporters to witness the bears firsthand, showcasing their transparency and honesty in operations.

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Final thoughts

The sun bear video controversy has shed light on the ongoing debate surrounding animal welfare in zoos. 

While some people argue that zoos provide an opportunity for education and conservation, others claim that they are inhumane and exploitative. 

However, the situation at Hangzhou Zoo appears to be a case of misperception rather than malpractice. 

Sun bears are small in size, and standing on their hind legs is a natural behavior for the species. 

The zoo’s invitation for reporters to visit the bears is a welcome move towards transparency and honesty. 

Whether this controversy will impact the perception of zoos in China and beyond remains to be seen.


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