Opportunity to receive thousands of valuable gifts when celebrating Prosperity birthday with VPBank VPBank #1Congratulations to the first 28 lucky customers to receive valuable gifts from VPBank #2VPBank celebrates its 29th birthday with new strategic goals People’s Public Security Newspaper #3VPBank’s golden birthday month is bustling with gratitude to VPBank #4Win a MercedesBenz right away when participating in VPBank’s 29th birthday party VPBank #5Win a Mercedes car right away when participating in VPBank’s 27th birthday party VPBank #6Happy 1st birthday VPBank Prime sends a rain of gifts to customers #7VPBank HAPPY BIRTHDAY RECEIVE THOUSANDS OF GIFTS Facebook #8CUT BIRTHDAY CAKE GET THOUSANDS OF GIFTS 26 YEARS VPBANK #9VPBank’s 29th birthday party entertains the capital’s audience with a special entertainment party #10VPBank celebrates a prosperous birthday with a million steps of joy and calls the names of the first 28 lucky customers Who are they See right here bitlySN281 #11What message does VPBank’s birthday celebration campaign send to customers #12Recruiting VPBank YOU HAVE REPLACED A NEW AVATAR HAPPY VPBANK BIRTHDAY After 28 years of unremitting efforts VPBank we have affirmed the position of #13VPBank CHALLENGE MAKING PROSPERITY CAKE WIN INCREDIBLE GIFTS Impressive minigame in VPBank’s 28th birthday celebration series has officially begun, friends #14VPBank ABBank simultaneously celebrates the 25th anniversary of Blue C #15The market for VPBank’s Prosperity bus on the occasion of its 29th birthday #16Revealing attractive cultural activities on Ho Guom walking street this weekend #17VPBank celebrates its 29th birthday with new strategic goals People’s Public Security Newspaper #18VPBank internal events 𝑽𝑷𝑩𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒐𝒂𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒐𝒄 To spread the atmosphere to celebrate the 27th birthday of the Board of Directors #19Take a look at the best entertainment activities to celebrate VPBank’s 29th birthday #20VPBank Prime launched many promotions to celebrate VnExpress’s birthday Business #21Looking back at the emotional moment in VPBank’s birthday celebration Online community #22VPBank launches the program of Gratitude Gifts Instead of saying thanks for the golden birthday DiemUuDai World Bank Card #23Cake with VPBank logo printed unique blue rose to celebrate the event of Funny Cream Cake #24The market for VPBank’s Prosperity bus on the occasion of its 29th birthday Business Vietnam VietnamPlus #25Cut birthday cake to receive thousands of attractive gifts from VPBank #26VPBank 28 WELCOME THE BIRTHDAY OF PROSPERITY WITH MILLIONS OF FACILITIES Let’s keep our hands together forever What do you mark your birthday with #27VPBank kicks off birthday celebration with Fortune bus #28Play like VPBank spends up to 14 billion VND to give customers on the occasion of VNPAY’s birthday #29Happy Birthday Gifts with VPBank #30Invite more friends to welcome thousands of gifts with VPBank #31Instant gift up to 15 million VND for VPBank cardholders #32Win a Mercedes car right away when participating in VPBank’s 29th birthday party #33Happy 1st birthday VPBank Prime sends a rain of gifts to customers #34Thousands of gifts on the occasion of VPBank’s birthday VnExpress Business #35Mixing Prosperity the youthful message of the campaign to celebrate VPBank’s 29th birthday #36Vp bank’s birthday cake with beautiful photo printed in 2023 Birthday girl’s birthday #37Happy 28th birthday VPBank sends a rain of gifts to customers #38Take a look at the best entertainment activities to celebrate VPBank’s 29th birthday #39Birthday cake with the logo of VPBank bank catching a rose for the boss, Funny Cream Cake #40VPBank celebrates its 29th birthday with new strategic goals and vision #41Linkid LYNKID x TIMESPLUS x VPBANK Happy Birthday VPBank 29 years old Get Evoucher 940k #42VPBank offers 5 more interest rates for online savings customers #43HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIFTS WAIT FOR MEMBERS VPBANK DIAMOND VPBank Diamond #44Mixing Prosperity with the youthful message of VPBank’s 29th birthday celebration campaign Ho Chi Minh City Law Newspaper #45CAKE’S BIRTHDAY 1 YEARS OLD GO TO BE SAME PRICE 1K Cakevn #46VPBank kicks off birthday celebration with Fortune bus #47VPBank Prime launched a huge promotion to celebrate 1 year old birthday #48