GLENDALE, ARIZONA – Police have arrested two people accused of kidnapping a husky puppy in connection with the crime, and authorities believe the animal may not have been the only victim in the case. The defendants, Taylor Sines, 27, and Logan Niemann, 26, respectively, have been charged with various crimes including theft and animal cruelty.
On May 11, the two people reportedly called the breeder to arrange a swap at 63rd Avenue and Butler Drive. On the other hand, Sines is reported to have pushed the breeder and grabbed the dog during their encounter. The incident was reported to the appropriate authorities.

The suspect, who was 27 years old at the time of the incident, allegedly fled in a truck driven by Niemann. The animal was found at the couple’s home, where police also found a second dog curled up in the bathroom. Both dogs were detained. Authorities said the state of the house made it “inhumane and uninhabitable for an animal.” After conducting an on-scene investigation, this verdict was rendered. The puppies have been bathed in great detail and are currently in fantastic physical condition. There is enough evidence to support the hypothesis that the second dog was also captured. If you or someone you know has recently had their dog taken away and you have proof of ownership, you should contact the Glendale Police Department at 623-930-3000.