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’75 Hard’ TikTok Challenge: Read to know more about the challenge that got a woman hospitalized

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Recently, a trend named ’75 Hard’ has been going on TikTok titled- ’75 Hard’ Challenge. It basically involves drinking large amounts of water for straight 75 days. This has caused a lot of hysteria among the public.

Many doctors and dieticians across the globe have warned not to follow such challenges. Because of this, a woman from Canada has been hospitalized.

Consuming excess amounts of anything can have a severe effect on your body. Challenges like this must not be adopted in any way. 

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’75 Hard’ TikTok Challenge: Read to know its drawback on health

Recently on TikTok, a challenge was trending featuring users drinking large amounts of water. Many people have shared their experiences using the famous hashtag. Drinking 3.7 liters of water every day for the next 75 days.

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The challenge also involves following a strict diet and excising consistently. In Canada, a woman named Michelle Fairburn tried the challenge, leading to severe health effects on her body. Later she was admitted to the hospital to seek further treatment. 

75 Hard Tiktok Challenge

She was working in real estate in the city of Toronto and made numerous TikTok detailing her journey. She mentioned she started to feel weak and a bit dizzy on her 12th day.

She started 75 Hard challenge by consuming 4 litres of water but on the 12th day, she started feeling a bit dizzy and weak. While consulting a doctor, she was having a severe sodium deficit.

The disease can be fatal for anyone. According to some health experts, drinking an excess amount of water may hamper your bladder.

Health experts around the world advise people not to follow such trends as they can have severe health effects. Since its drawback, many users are burgers public to avoid such challenges. 

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